The experience of sailing always takes me out of the familiar shores of my life and gives me time and space. A place for my spirit to feel the freedom of possibility. But it is never as simple as that. There is a purity that also puts me in touch with the elements and calls out...requires something else to show up.
I have found that sailing makes one show up with vulnerability and courage like nothing else. It is you, the boat and the forces that be. There is an intimacy in that combination that requires full integrity and wholeness. The stakes are high. There is no choice but to work fully with it all. In harmony. At One. It is futile to rail against ultimate powers.
In the height of the wind and waves that toss, or the bliss of the flattest sea that pulls with steady breeze and tide....both hold a most exhilarating calm that connects to my deepest source. Makes me feel my spirit and my physical body full alive and part of the whole. In painting At One I have explored my own spirit and invite you to bring your spirit to these canvases now. My collaboration with Gillie Hutchinson for this show offered two different entries into the experience. We invite you to join the story we share...."At One, A Journey of Art and Sail."